Tuesday, October 27, 2009

#4 Holocaust Survivor

Imagine having to watch your friends and family walk away from you to their death in the gas chamber, having to go to the kitchen and bring out a pot of soup with human bones and hair in it and told that that was your meal for the day, be told that you're going to Germany to work in a brick factory but instead be taken to a ''camp'' where you'll have to say good bye to everything and everyone you love. Dr. Eva Olsson had to go through all of that. On Monday our school was treated to an extremely moving and emotional presentation by a Holocaust survivor, Dr Eva Olsson. Dr. Olsson was taken to a concentration camp with her mom, her sisters, and five nieces. She was separated from the rest of her family and was forced to work all day. She was only fed a piece of bread and plain soup once a day. Some of the most moving things she talked about was being taken away from her mother at the camp, the reason for all the mass murders, and what happened after her life changing experience.

The reason for all the killing was hate. Hate from the Nazi's towards all the Jewish people. Hate caused hundreds of thousands of people to die, and even more to suffer. Hate caused Dr. Eva's life to be turned upside down. She and her mother had always taught her nieces not to use the word hate. Instead they were taught to use 'I dislike' if they didn't like something. She has also made such an impression on me that I to will try my best to not say the word hate. I would have not been able to go through everything she had without feeling hate towards the Nazi's and other people, but Dr. Eva was able to get through this horrific experience without that word.

On the first day at the camp she was separated from her nieces and mother. That would be the last time she saw her mother, the last chance she could have said 'I love you', the last time she could hug her mom. She only had her sister to fight through the pain and suffering she would go through. Many people take it for granted that they can have their mom drive them to school, pack them a lunch, or even tuck them in at night. We should be grateful for the family we have and love every one of them. Every chance we get we should say we love you to the ones who are important to us. You never know when you won't be able to anymore. After getting out of the camp Dr. Eva was taken to Sweden where she met her husband. They got married when Dr. Eva was 21. They loved each other greatly. But one night when she was 35 her husband was out and on the way home, when he was hit by another car. The driver of the other car was drunk. After everything Dr. Eva had gone through she had to loose her husband too. Dr. Eva Olsson's experiences taught me a lesson, you should always be grateful and loving to those you have and the way your life is, because you never know, it could be a lot worse.

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